Fu Biao met with President of the International Wu


Global Kungfu Network news: a crane in the clear sky, will lead poetry to the blue sky. In October 5, 2019, the United Nations friendly envoy, the chairman of China Chamber of Commerce for international cooperation in private economy, the nine ten vice chairman of the China Wushu Association, and Fu Biao, chairman of the international Kungfu Federation Fu Biao met in Beijing with President of the International Wushu Federation of America Hou min, director of China Center for International Federation of learning in Russia Zhang Tao , and a professor of martial arts at Beijing Sport University Yang Lin.






Mr. Hou Min has been spreading the Chinese martial arts in the United States for many years. He has two purposes in this trip: to discuss with the founder of the United States martial arts university, hoping to cooperate with Mr. Fu Biao to create a martial arts university in the United States so as to facilitate the promotion of Chinese Wushu in the United States; to prepare Wushu competitions with important international influence in the second half of 2020, to invite the international Kungfu Federation to host and invite them to come out. To be held in New York, Fu Biao said that we will strongly support the hosting of International Wushu competitions and the development of various undertakings.





Fu Biao pointed out that there are many famous private universities and high-quality universities in the United States. They are not only successful universities, but also the core of the industry.They are not only successful universities, but also the core of the industry. The dissemination of Chinese Wushu culture, the development of tourism and trade industry, the establishment of American Wushu University, and the integration of culture and economy are essentially the problems of entrepreneurship and innovation. It is necessary to emphasize "being a positive person but not evil, making facts and not being empty." the pattern is large but not empty. It has broad vision, broad mind, and takes the whole situation into consideration, displaying uncommon influence, productivity, vitality and mental fighting capacity. To train a group of martial arts athletes who can flicker and move on the stage, and a group of martial arts Sanda brave generals who can fight, dare to fight and win on the stage. It is cowardly not to be militant, but reckless to be militant. We should strive to cultivate entrepreneurs and excellent talents in the new era. At present, the international Kungfu group, the Shaolin martial arts school and the one ball one village international tourism real estate group company, which collects joint ventures of some national Kung Fu associations, set up Kungfu sanda skills and martial arts routines, Chinese Chinese teaching function zones, Chinese calligraphy functional areas, costume weapon functional areas, tea culture functional areas, Chinese medicine cultural function zones, and Chinese folk music functional areas. Such integration as a whole, more pragmatic, more pragmatic and more grounded, will help to raise the new climax of overseas dissemination of martial arts culture, and open a new chapter in the Chinese martial arts Silk Road, and boost the new development of "one belt and one road".

Fu Biao shared with the participants the spirit of thought and culture summed up by himself: Napoleon once said that human beings have two kinds of strength, sword and thought. But the sword is often defeated by thought. I have summed up three forces of human beings: thought, culture and spirit. Wushu originated from China and belongs to the world. It belongs to sports but higher than sports. Wushu is a combination of thought and body language, art and aesthetics, strength and skills, a sport to develop human brain and limbs, and a science and technology to boost human spiritual will. The promotion of a country's culture can sublimate a nation's ideology; the revitalization of martial arts can revitalize a country's national spirit. A nation with ideas is a nation with ideals, goals and hopes; a nation with spirit will become stronger and stronger. We martial arts practitioners should constantly upgrade their ideological concepts, cultural accomplishment, spiritual realm and kungfu skills, so as to sublimate everyone's sense of social responsibility, social influence, social visibility, social values, social image, social status and personality charm. A thousand gorgeous words are not as good as an action. We should actively respond to the call of "one belt and one road" to promote the development of Wushu and promote the health and happiness of the whole world through martial arts.


At the end of the talks, Fu Biao took a group photo with Hou Min, Zhang Tao and Yang Lin, and presented a huge calligraphy to the guests: "Kung Fu" meant time and sweat; "Wu" implied the promotion of Chinese Kungfu; "Buddha" implied the realm of human nature and harmony; "sword" -- the sword of hundred blade, the handsome soldier of hundred soldiers, meant the long and smooth wisdom and the connotation of expressing the sword.






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